Ich brauch dringende Hilfe in Bezug auf Irland!! DRINGEND?
Mia M
2009-04-08 05:06:29 UTC
Ich muss einen Hefter in Englisch zum Thema Irland machen. Ich habe auch bereits sämtliche Internetseiten ( ect.) erkundigt. Jedoch fehlen mir immer noch die Buchstaben o,q,r,v und z sowie h,k,l und x. Auch würde ich mich riesig über ein paar Informationen über Dublin und "Celtic Tiger" freuen. Muss nicht englisch sein, deutsch wäre mir ehrlich gesagt auch lieber.
Danke danke danke ich brauch echt eure Hilfe!
Vier antworten:
2009-04-10 13:39:19 UTC
Hi! Mein Deutsch ist schrecklich also... Ich weiß dass du die Antwort auf English liebe aber mein Deutsch ist nicht dass gut. Vielleicht kannst du mich mit yahoo babelfish übersetzen.

Dublin was built by the Vikings back when they invaded the country nearly 1400 years ago (I think). After the Vikings, the English invaded countless times, and since Dublin was nearest, it became the English capital of Ireland. From Dublin, the British invaded the rest of the country and in 1800, after a revolution in 1798 with help from the french, the Irish were put down and ireland became part of Britain. In 1916 there was a revolution in Dublin which was stopped by the British. In 1920-1921 the Irish fought and gained indepedance from Britain. Most of the fighting happened in Dublin.

Nowadays Dublin is a modern, dirty city, full of greedy politicans and lawyers. It has a population of about 1.2 million, about 300,000 of them are "gastarbeiters". And the rest of the country hates anyone from Dublin xD.

The Celtic Tiger was the econonmy of Ireland. It began at the start of the 1990s and reaches its height in and about 2005-2007. A low corporate tax rate (12.5%) meant a lot of American and European business came to Ireland, and with them they brough the money. Plus at the time, everything in Ireland was cheap, the country spoke English and it was essentially what the Americans wanted when trying to get into the European market. With the money people began buying property and new houses were being built daily. Last September the banks suddenly realised with the collapse of the US mortgage system that they had given too much money away and they started recalling their money. So now its hard for anyone to get a loan because the banks are taking money in, not giving it out. At the same time, irish stocks dropped as did the world economy and we were left stranded.
2009-04-08 05:17:21 UTC
Also,ich kann dir zum Celtic Tiger sagen,dass das ein Bezeichnung für die Republik Irland ist(Celtic-das keltische Volk,Tiger-symbolisiert das Erwachen des Geistes eben dieses Volkes im Kampf um Freiheit)

Unter dem selben Namen gibt es auch eine sehr berühmte Irish-Dance-Show.
2009-04-08 05:10:07 UTC

hoffe es ist das richtige
2009-04-08 05:16:30 UTC

hoffe es ist das richtige

vor 4 Minuten

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